(1939 - 2008)

Perez Celis


Celis was always interested in the expression of the universal dualities of the spiritual and material world. His paintings are powerful statements of life's creative forces at work expressed in elegant, rhythmic compositions of dynamic brushwork and vivid color. His use of rich materials produces a thick physical world, unparalleled in intensity, with layered and piercing planes in a uniquely interwoven space.

Selected Collections

Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museum of Modern Art, Bogotá, Colombia
Museum of Modern Art, (MOMA), New York,
Museum of Modern Latin American Art, Washington D.C.
Museum of Modern Art, La Paz, Bolivia
Museum of Modern Art, Quito, Ecuador
Museum of Modern Latin American Art, Managua, Nicaragua
Museum of Modern Contemporary Art, San José, Costa Rica
Museum of Modern Housatonic Art, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Art Museum of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Museum of Syracuse University
Municipal Museum of Modern Art, Cuenca, Ecuador
Fine Arts Museum, Caracas, Venezuela
Fine Arts Museum of La Plata, Province de Bs. As.
Argentina Fine Arts Museum of Chascomús, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fine Arts Museum of Tandil, Province of Bs. As., Argentina
Fine Arts Museum of Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, Argentina
Fine Arts Museum of Posadas, Province of Misiones, Argentina
Emilio Petorutti Museum, Asunción, Paraguay
Museum of Ciudad Bolívar
Museum of Contemporary Art, Panama City, Panama

Selected Works